Monday, September 07, 2009

ho ho ho ho


manado in 3 days.

not a moonbow


looked up at 2.30am to see an odd giant ring around the moon. it morphed very slowly, becoming more pronounced, and at 1 point there was even a (relatively) bright arc of rainbow colours very near the moon itself. i suddenly recalled reading about moonbows...

well, this wasn't it. moonbows:
- occur when the moon is low/near the horizon
- are always in the opposite part of the sky
- require rain falling opposite the moon (or a waterfall)
- happen in seemingly exclusive locations on earth

this was something else instead, a 22° halo. they are:
- much, much, much more common - cheh!
- beyond my cacat grasp of physics to explain the 22°
- caused by light refracted through the hexagonal prisms
- of ice particles in the sky

ice in the sky! more rainy days to come?