Thursday, October 30, 2008

the purpose of writing


Thursday, October 23, 2008

beware the Vibe™

some time ago i discovered the Fuckoff Vibe™. it throws people off, keeps them at bay. and it's more than being just cool or cold. an adept performer of the Vibe™ is one capable of commanding its entire spectrum, ranging from Distant, Antisocial, Studieddistractedness, Chancedistractedness, Opaquegaze, Notnow, Coldshoulder, Donotdisturb, Fuckoff, all the way to Stayyourdistancemuthafuck.

the Vibe™ can be used to great effect against pesky ae's and brochure distributors at the mall alike. it's all in the look (or non-look), the expression, the impression, body language, and keeping your poker mask - after the ae hangs around like an idiot for a while and says, "i come back later, k?"

the Vibe™ is an indispensable skill, a dark jedi art. telling people to back off with just your eyes... hey, it's a power. i should know, although i'm not an adept performer. i'm practically the dark jedi grand guru. my honed Vibe™ goes beyond dodging unwanted people for a morning. evening, overnight, i can stretch it, prolong it, at different hostility variants, over days, weeks.

so much so i find one day, that i've been estranged for months.

u feed the Vibe™ your negativity, and it harnesses the depraved cuts of your soul. a sinister glee takes over, in which u'll live and revel, even as it constantly consumes. it's the one surefire shortcut to losing friends and influencing no one, which u'll realize on the day u whisper around the armour... and nobody's listening.

except maybe one, who says, "is everything ok?"
such a small sound, such a wealth of meaning.
redemption is rare.

Friday, October 10, 2008

a snapshot of death

sm sent me this today:

photographer's brief: to shoot a photo that shows/explains how/why a photographer has died during a shoot.

reading that out loud, it sounds a little like an anagram hehe. what a cool idea, very ironic, which i love. novel? to me, yes. u'd have to read the brief a couple times, which slows u down... and when u get it, it stops u completely. it's that kinda idea.

it seems apt here to introduce cl, rapid flash genius. he's... not really a quiet type - he's just silent. the one-chirp-shock-people type, if u know what i mean, and the actual shock comes from the fact that he speaks! or more like low, monotonous mutter. anyway from this silent, reserved character it became a company joke that he's a psycho, one who'll come in one day and shoot u, give your head to your mother, and murder your family, so u better be not messing with him.

and as little bits of his life and interests surfaced, it became a little disturbing how much he was really into dark stuff. like blood and gore and dismembered demons, and an overall outlook that life is a bleak sunless hell, to be ended in a bleaker, blacker hell - all masked behind a blank gaze, an enigmatic smirk, a trademark mute coolness.

i showed the site to him. he looked, read, took it in.
"ehhhh send to meee!"
a low, demonic growl, like an ember from calm ashes, flaming into sudden unholy desire.
death clearly excites him.

naaah, all that was just an abridged summary of his time with us. he's not a bad sort really. incidentally, i've been toying with the thought of trying out dslr... a procrastinated interest, stagnant from apathy. still just a thought, stashed away in the back recesses of my mind. send me some money, will u?