Wednesday, April 29, 2009

playing for change

have u heard the joke, why'd the beggar vote obama?
same concept here. awesomazing.

plus, that Tal Ben Ari ("Tula") is molten hotness.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

desenrascano & other stories

remember gemutlichkeit? here's a new one: desenrascano.
(defined by as "to pull a mcgyver").
it's been a frickin hectic stretch at work.
bookmarking these links here, but they're just as much for sharing.
tweeting links seems to be a bit overkill sometimes.

tldr? but enjoy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

april so far

picking up from earth hour in the last post, quite a bit has happened. well we went for the capsquare do, skimmed over the kldw exhibits, then stood around in the dark listening to crappy music over a crappy pa. uneventful, except for 1. the awesomazing url i thought up for ch over coffee (, 2. the methodical, decisive shutting down of klcc's glitter (i swear it's a moment for national pride), and 3. teochew porridge + a new nickname (jook = porridge, geddit?).

april came. colleagues left. 6 in total, irreplaceable characters all. hy the nearly-permanent office fixture, flash god kw, flash protege cl, the inimitable rh, the quiet oh, and my constantly caffeinated and dearly missed kaijie. the headcount dropped like dominoes, the office vibes dimmed drastically, and the 7th colleague is also on her way out...

the happenings didn't let up. last saturday, along with aivee, yenc and justine, i became a fucking guest tutor. what's doubly weird about this is, last time i was at toa, i was an aspiring student, haha. so - kw the flash/AS3 lecturer, and us friends as guest tutors. kw marks the tech part, we critique on the creative part: idea, messaging, flow, design, optimization etc.

having opinions on these things we do everyday was easy enough - what's hard was actually saying it, yet not spilling into commercial dogma. i mean, most things can't be learnt in a classroom anyway, only by soul-crushing experience. then followed a free q&a session, where i finally saw myself being on the other side, answering innocent questions. this part made me re-examine myself, in a condensed mental review of my short career, where i realized i had amassed deep wells of unexpressed cynicism. i left the ugly things unsaid...

although i'm not sure u approve, karen. but thank u for the opportunity!

yeah. me, tutor? giving guidance? stranger things have happened.
like how the night before that, i found some huge and forgotten wads of cash...
(to be continued.)