Sunday, July 22, 2007

retro-ing: of disney, facebook and conquer

this week in retrospect:

3 internals in a day. i'm still surviving.

gay disney singalongs. my fave remains "under the sea" for pure playfulness. and "arabian nights" for simplistic lyrics in setting the scene/imagery/mood and painting the secrets/danger/exotic backdrop for a whole saga - in all of 1:21 minutes.

facebooking frenzy and first-hand encounters with ajax. yep, the greek warrior... nop, the floor detergent... actually, asynchronous javascript and xml. which is u could say, a coding mashup to bring u increased functionality. not that i'm learning those scripts, but it's just cool to know.

juggling brainstorms. mentally frustrating, spiritually taxing, but ironically physically health(ier), for the collective i'm-here-so-don't-u-dare-walk-away vibe from the whole team, that negates your cigarette urges.

the unprecedented revival of conquer! or as some people call it by the chickenshitty name, dot-dot. need more be said? except for the exorbitant 80 sen for an exercise book.

live signoff. finally.
been a long, interesting... exhausting week.
which brings us to saturday:

my voicebox shrinks and i forget how to eat ice cream.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

on the morning of the 13th

me and my friend were msning.
in frikkin' bloody BM.
just a couple of lines.

i read those couple of lines again.
don't remember what was said, just the gist of it.
and the weirdness of the elasticity between amusement and shock.

and my body jerked itself upright, stiff wooden trigonometrically 90 degree straight vertical springboard slingshot catapult jack in the box nightmare before christmas toy luba shumeyko erection midnight chinese vampire style, abruptly ending the dream as my wide bleary eye settled on the clock.

10:30 - on the dot.
fuck i'm late!
laughed my way to the toilet.

in somni veritas?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

linkage - or lack of

typing in malay makes my left hand tired. or weak. it's more like a hollowed feeling in the centre of the wrist, leading to unfounded carpal tunnel suspicions. i thought it was psychological, becoz typing is typing, but hamyu assured me otherwise. it's physiological - malay typing places more strain on your left hand becoz... there're a hell lotta more "a"s. try it!

there's roach marketing, and there's also the web 2.0 version called seeding. which when it falls to one person and given the faceless personae one can adopt online, becomes a multiple-personality task. which leads me to recall this nice line from a good passage from a chun movie: "choose diy and wondering who the fuck u are on a sunday morning". i have this exact poster that i've been meaning to put up (again) for a long time. i also have this book that's sitting uselessly somewhere on the shelf.

cy went to berlin. truth be told, his photos're not that exciting becoz poor fella's been sick. lune went to dusseldorf. and cologne. and amsterdam. truth is plain, she took nicer pics, and has accompanying deep writeups. and just now out of random curiosity i clicked on alvin's msnspaces for the first time and hey. he's been to: salzburg istanbul porto (wheretf's porto?) marseilles rome czech croatia belgium london amsterdam. ... ... the bitch. ...! my own cousin, from a distance, silently stealing my daydreams wtfffff

so, what to do?
we make do with what we have.
kl has... brickfields.

16 words: A secret wardrobe door is nice but what i'd like is to open an airplane door.